While hardly luxurious, it is as functional as a Swiss Army knife.
For those in residence in Canberra, life is hardly luxurious.
"The facilities that we were shown for the refugees, although hardly luxurious, are far from spartan," Shelby informed him.
Comfortable, but hardly luxurious, Heikki thought, scanning the working space, and could not help feeling a certain relief.
The conditions and diet were hardly luxurious, but my new subjects got through the winter.
Jackson had given him enough money to live a comfortable but hardly luxurious existence.
The rugs and furnishings were attractive, but hardly luxurious.
Away from the center, accommodations are cheaper but harder to find and, with a few exceptions, hardly luxurious.
Student housing is hardly luxurious and Bennington's library is small - about 100,00 volumes.
The scouts bunks were hardly luxurious, but comfortable enough.