The alcohol ban has created some tensions between Indians and non-Indians, but opinions about it are hardly monolithic in those respective populations.
Contemporary verse is lively and hardly monolithic.
The Bible is hardly monolithic about what constitutes justice.
Experts note that the retiree vote is hardly monolithic, nor is it motivated purely by what happens to programs for older Americans.
Thomas P. Hamer, a professor of economics at Rowan University, said that while the south's slump was hardly monolithic, it was severe.
But even many female legislators, noting that women are hardly monolithic in their views, question whether there is a women's agenda to be advanced with their rising numbers.
The response is hardly monolithic.
TO be sure, the labor perspective is hardly monolithic.
The single-payer movement is hardly monolithic.
This structure also reflects our perception that Chinese culture, like most others today, is hardly monolithic but instead encompasses a wide variety of influences.