Because condoms deteriorate in hot storerooms and expire after long storage, there are distribution problems, but they hardly rival those for other perishables like beer and sugar.
We could hardly rival the Billy Boys or the Norman Conks yet.
Those adventures could hardly rival the activities of the steppe, regardless!
Again, Jesus should have employed a researcher to tell him that, while the Vatican is not short of gold, it can hardly rival the Federal Reserve.
His universe was peopled with horrors such as ancient and mediaeval mythology could hardly rival.
The show at Lewellyn Alexander hardly rivals the original Salon des Refusés in scale, official recognition or significance.
For the licensed intruder, this was a moment - hardly rivaled since - of pure, intense, and exalted astonishment.
It hardly rivaled the palace of the seven prin cesses, but Hasan was satisfied that it was the best he could expect in Baghdad.
Even for those with high-speed Internet connections, the Web hardly rivals television as a way to actually watch the games.
He can hardly rival the name recognition of the former mayor of New York, the Republican Rudolph W. Giuliani.