The three started back down the alley, but it became obvious that Roger could not move quickly, could hardly support himself.
Up higher went the elf, to the very top of the tree, to branches that hardly supported even his lithe form.
Gold is soft and would hardly support the weight of that massive door.
(Many managers can't be bothered to do any research and therefore make decisions they can hardly support.)
The theater's entire budget last year was $158,000 for seven productions, and that would hardly support an effort as taxing as this one.
I was about to say following me but I could hardly support that accusation with much evidence.
Cattle raising became an industry, but in a country where six acres can hardly support a sheep, large farms are necessary for even small herds.
And yet, he could hardly support the dead Father Abbot.
This hardly supports the fundamental principles of democracy and subsidiarity.
It seemed that all the churches were kept open by the Germans, though their philosophy hardly supported religion.