That is still high for what many companies regard as a hardship post, but nearly 25 percent below the peak.
So far, the American planes have avoided other hardship posts, where the death rates are also high.
I agree that benefits should be increased for hardship posts, but it is sad if dedication to public service has declined so much.
"The British used to consider this a hardship post," she said.
The Victory was considered a hardship post, which meant that extra money had been spent to make the ship more livable.
He had spent the past seven days on the night shift at the Kandar vehicle checkpoint, and it felt like a hardship post.
Morale appears to have been very low among the garrison, and ships' crews considered it a hardship post.
These assignments can be to hardship posts, and some do not allow family members to accompany the employee.
In fact, this is known as a hardship post, because of that danger.
You could have dialed Central anytime and volunteered for a hardship post, but you didn't.