This is particularly useful for testing hardware compatibility and driver support.
There is no hardware compatibility with the original C64, with software compatibility provided through the use of an emulator.
Given hardware compatibility, however, most people should find getting started with Freelance Plus reasonably easy considering that it is a graphics package.
To me, if hardware compatibility and simplicity of install were its biggest strengths, it's been eclipsed by almost every other distro I've tried.
The beta has relatively decent hardware compatibility, but doesn't include proprietary drivers.
Therefore, the 640 KB barrier was removed at the cost of hardware compatibility.
She'd pretty much used the same search algorithm as beforethe main modifications related to hardware compatibility.
Intel has provided several alpha releases this year which have demonstrated the platform's broad hardware compatibility, excellent boot performance, and other technical features.
Kernel extensions are the low-level drivers needed for certain hardware compatibility.
Had the bulk of commercially important software been of this nature, low-level hardware compatibility might not have mattered.