He was considered a fine and hardworking person who dedicated much time and care to the University in Uppsala and the Church.
She was a conservative and hardworking person who valued education, cleanliness, promptness, and honesty above all else.
Her thinking is very positive and she is a hardworking person.
"I'm a hardworking person," he said.
He was an honest, hardworking and unassuming person.
Andersen is said to have been celebrated because he was "a nice, hardworking person who was not afraid of poverty".
Joe Salema is a hardworking person who has served the state well, but he feels that his presence would become a political issue.
Don't join unless you are a hardworking person.
It was simply that she "was a very hardworking person," in the words of her sister, Gina Sam.
He is a hardworking person and he is devoted to becoming a worthy successor to his father.