We think of ourselves as a quick-thinking, hardy lot, but we're getting killed out there.
The voyageurs were a hardy lot and didn't believe in mollycoddling themselves.
For years, the Creatures were a small but hardy lot.
We New Haven Line commuters, however, are getting to be a hardy lot.
They were a hardy, brutal lot, ready to use the knife or the fist, and stabbings were routine.
There was no serious damage, however; reporters are a hardy lot.
They're a fell and hardy lot; but with this crew we might just-' Conan shook his head.
In Minnesota, where the winters can get bitter, the students are a hardy lot.
But the performers, all Juilliard students, and the audience, which filled the courtyard, were a hardy lot.
Pewlemen were a hardy lot, well used to weapons and brutal conditions.