The story of the early migrants and hardy settlers who traveled that valley road - now Interstate 81 - has inspired an ambitious enterprise on Staunton's doorstep.
It is a wrenching change in self-image for this idiosyncratic nation of hardy British settlers and a poverty-ridden minority of 300,000 aborigines.
At the head of Sagg Pond the hardy settlers established a community called Bullhead, later renamed Bridgehampton-after the bridge built across the pond.
The planetary system, home to a mere handful of hardy settlers, had no obvious strategic importance.
Then, starting in the 1840's, more than 300,000 hardy settlers sold their land in the Midwest, said their farewells and began the eight-month trip from Missouri by wagon train.
In these protected rift ecosystems, hardy human settlers had constructed sophisticated cave-cities like hives tunneled into the black cliffs.
These were hardy settlers that had to fight not only the elements of an isolated land but Native Americans as well.
The present people of Stregoicavar are descended from hardy settlers from the lower valleys who came into the ruined village after the Turk was thrust back.
Many of these hardy settlers went on to make important contributions to the emerging nations in which they landed.
His parents were among the hardy settlers now attempting to rebuild the colony, but Trig himself had found no place there.