For much the same reason, it is probably best also to avoid the Caribbean coast unless you are an extremely adventurous and hardy traveler.
Third-class is uncomfortable and recommended only for the very hardy traveler.
While groups have stayed away, a few hardy travelers have started to find their way back .
Now, even these hardy travelers have disappeared.
When my wife and I first visited in 1995, the city was devoid of all but the hardiest travelers.
"Children are hardier travelers than people expect," he said.
Zamas Hotel, 415-387-9806,, is one of the best options for the slightly hardier traveler.
Enough anecdotal evidence of security lapses has emerged to scare even the hardiest travelers.
Although we have stayed much at court, you will find us hardy travelers and able warriors, should such be needed.
A decade ago, the hardy traveler had to search long and hard for a decent bed and a good meal.