The eunuchs were then sent to serve as slaves in the palace to Vietnamese harem women.
They can go among the harem women without temptation.
You would never have been a true harem woman.
The second threatens the harem women with having their throats cut, if when quarreling they should blaspheme against a god.
Somewhat harsher than the original, it shows harem women looking at a king's hunting party.
Malaka encouraged the boy overseers to talk harshly to the harem women, especially the European ones.
These were harem women and babies were forbidden them.
I am but a harem woman and you are now a god.
Valli, as a harem woman, had been well schooled in all the arts of love.
I am sure," said Blade, "that your harem women have more to do with men than is generally known or admitted.