Polluted stormwater runoff can harm or kill fish and other wildlife.
Though officials say the weed hasn't harmed fish yet, it is putting a dent in the local fishing industry.
It also wants the plant outfitted with a cooling system less likely to harm fish.
The toxin harms small fish in the immediate area, and drives away most predators, except for certain types of crabs.
If the water used in the power plant is discharged to a lake or river, the pollutants in the water can harm fish and plants.
Despite this, they are generally non-aggressive and will not harm fish too large for them to eat.
And maybe that threshold concentration is enough to harm fish.
Supporters of the ban had argued that chemicals used to treat sewage harmed fish and other aquatic life.
However, many diseases can jump species and would harm native fish.
If pesticides reach waterways, they may harm fish, plants, and other living things.