Environmentalists claim the highly saline water discharged from desalination plants could harm marine life.
The blades, which turn at 30 rpm, do not seem to harm aquatic life.
Coast Guard officials said they were confident that the equipment, if used properly, would not harm humans or aquatic life.
During snowmelt, acidic precipitation which previously fell in the snow pack is released and harms marine life.
"But you're certain that it won't harm humanoid life on the planet?"
They are intended to supply debris-free water without harming aquatic life.
Severing the rig from the bottom using explosives is the easiest approach, but has the potential to harm marine life.
Supporters of the ban had argued that chemicals used to treat sewage harmed fish and other aquatic life.
This means that we will be able to design cleaning machines to remove these poisons wherever they could harm life.
It would not harm life of Earth.