Whether these chronic emissions reach harmful levels in real-world environments is not yet fully determined.
Officials will reopen the beds if they test below harmful levels three times over two weeks.
But as that source can emit harmful levels of radiation, extra precautions are required.
This can result in a build-up to harmful levels even when a drug is taken at usual doses.
Tolerances are set to protect you from harmful levels of pesticides on your food.
Officials emphasized that as testing continued more substances were likely to be found at harmful levels, especially from water taken near industrial sites.
Learn more about how ozone can be beneficial up high in the stratosphere but harmful at ground level.
In 2010, 18-29 year-olds were the age group must likely to drink at harmful levels.
We are given an assertion: the high level of tax competition has reached a clearly harmful level.
The Government has previously said that harmful levels of the chemicals probably went no farther than 35 miles.