"It could be harmless error," she says.
"The appellate court probably has a basis to find this harmless error," Mr. Brown said.
This can turn what would otherwise be harmless errors (producing a message such as "no such file") into a denial of service bug.
Blackmun agreed with Rehnquist that the issue of harmless error was best left for Delaware to consider.
Despite this, the state supreme court decided that such a mistake constituted a harmless error.
He said in death penalty cases when one juror can make the difference between life and death "there is no such thing as harmless error."
The only issue was whether the faulty instructions could be viewed as harmless error.
Sheffield moved to third in the 13th (making a harmless throwing error), and Rodriguez went to short.
Glasser established that unconstitutional multiple representation is never harmless error.
Almost any unintentional omission short of a smoking gun is treated by appellate courts as "harmless error."