He'll instruct you to keep me away from all but the most harmless piece of equipment.
She didn't like holding out on the old man, but it was a harmless piece of fun, exciting too, in its own way.
Ubiquitous they might be, but without power the localizers were harmless pieces of metallic glass.
Not sure why you had to end this rather harmless piece with a shot at Putin.
There was no snake, just a harmless piece of plastic hose.
If we're lucky, we may find someone has made us a gift of a harmless piece of hardware.
Yet these are harmless pieces that show off the dancers' professional technique.
And with no evidence as yet that it's any more than some harmless piece of junk falling out of space.
Believe it or not, races have been won and lost due to these seemingly harmless pieces of used tire.
Probably thought it was just a harmless piece of paper.