While the man's arrow flew harmlessly high and wide, Shayleigh's got him between the eyes.
Then the ranger smoothly turned his blade up, lifting his hand as he went so that Roger's at-tack sailed harmlessly high.
She backed through the first swishes, then ducked under the thrust, crossing sword and dagger in an X above her head to keep the pole harmlessly high.
Drizzt's backhand caught her short, drove her sword harmlessly high.
The elf, not caught unaware, dropped to her knees, and the spear flew harmlessly high.
But he lost his nerve as the roaring dwarf drew near, and his shot flew harmlessly high.
The crossbow fired, harmlessly high.
The woman ducked and parried it with her sword, barely deflecting the missile harmlessly high.
Drizzt twisted diagonally, one blade knocking the sword aside, the other forming a barrier that the dagger could not get through as it cut harmlessly high.
And wherefore, when DuQuesne's six hired killers fired practically as one, all six bullets went harmlessly high.