In The Last Supper, Leonardo sought to create a perfect harmonic balance between the placement of the characters and the background.
Once the steady state solution is found, the software can analyze the response to perturbations using piecewise approximation, harmonic balance or other methods.
The colours of her art are clear and they are in a harmonic balance with each other.
Many experts speculate that harmonic balance is merely a byproduct of proper construction and balancing, rather than an intentional quality added to weapons.
This only serves to amplify the false impressions of the value of harmonic balance by seeming to lend them legitimacy.
However, Ansai believed that challenging political authority was paramount to disrupting the harmonic balance between heaven and man.
Together, they achieve a harmonic balance.
In the master planning of the city his aim was to create a harmonic balance between the classical built form and the tropical landscape.
The poor secondary harmonic balance of four-cylinder engines is largely addressed with the use of balance shafts although it can never match the in-line six.
A professional mastering engineer renders mixes that have a good harmonic balance.