He has no fear of chords, and his rhythms cascade harmonic ideas, making the tune seem to skip, then sag, pick up speed and slow down.
Beautifully made and rich in harmonic ideas, it has a thickness and opaqueness that are stubbornly elusive.
His best music also carries smart harmonic ideas and surprising bolts of lyricism, but virtually all of it deals purposefully with the subject of groove.
Coltrane employed these harmonic ideas during his "sheets of sound" stage in 1958.
Mr. Diorio was excellent in the opposite direction, a subtle weaver of great blanketing harmonic ideas without the overt, flamelike technique.
The work is 25 years old, and is in an idiom of nondogmatic dissonance that allows for some intelligibility of harmonic ideas.
Krieger's preludes are short pieces, free developments of a harmonic or a rhythmic idea, employing fast passagework, short fugatos, etc.
His improvisations are a long process, and the power and invention of his harmonic and rhythmic ideas accumulate as the minutes tick by.
New rhythmic and harmonic ideas pop up regularly, and a lesser soloist would easily get flustered.
"Unusual harmonic ideas became normalized," Mr. Donat said, offering no evidence for his hunch.