But in pop music the accordion oftentimes works as padding to give harmonic support.
A neater and easier solution was, in each variation, to retain the melodic outlines and harmonic support outlined in his initial theme.
Generally speaking, all of the pipers play a unison melody on their chanters, with their drones providing the harmonic support and filling out the sound.
For much of the work, though, the orchestra provided little more than easy harmonic support.
McAlphine also made comment that "the chorus is a one-note drone, with harmonic support, over a three-chord pounding vamp thing."
In popular music the bass part most often provides harmonic and rhythmic support, usually playing the root or fifth of the chord and stressing the strong beats.
In terms of harmonic support, Mr. Halperin often plunged from a musical magic carpet into an open elevator shaft.
"It provides the harmonic and rhythmic support for soloists," he says.
Double basses often play pizzicato to give extra rhythmic and harmonic support.
The bass part primarily provides harmonic support, although it does occasionally participate in the contrapuntal interplay.