Older systems of harmonic theory segue very easily into the axis system.
His playing carries him to the hazy borderline between improvisations that can be explained by harmonic theory and those that are pure dramatic gesture.
Throughout the trial, Kepler postponed his other work to focus on his "harmonic theory".
In other words, a man like Beethoven could not possibly fail to be in entire agreement with the harmonic theories of M. Fétis.
In 1841 he put together the first history of harmonic theory, his Esquisse de l'histoire de l'harmonie.
But he didn't immerse himself in technique and harmonic theory, as those musicians did, or lead a band until his mid-30's.
They are usually teachers in New York or Boston and authors of books on harmonic theory.
His dream music showed an amazing intuitive grasp of orchestra- tion and harmonic theory.
Mr. McNeil is regarded as a master not only of trumpet technique but also of the practical and creative applications of harmonic theory.
Coltrane worked obsessively on "Giant Steps" and the whole harmonic theory behind it.