In other words, by the harmonious integration of nature and nurture.
That other part of your character dial rules you now would have to be readjusted to a harmonious integration with the other part we consider more valuable.
"Tokyo's poverty, bleakness, and disorder serve to set off Ashiya's harmonious integration of tradition, modernity, and cosmopolitanism".
The harmonious integration of his buildings in the surrounding urban landscape proves Vorhoelzer's ability as a city planner.
In any event, if we are to achieve the harmonious and balanced integration of the entire EU, we must support cooperation, especially cross-border cooperation.
- Mr President, the harmonious integration of developing countries into the multilateral trade system is, rightly, the stated objective of the Doha development programme.
The debate on European citizenship, as Commissioner Frattini quite rightly says, is directly linked to the harmonious integration of immigrants and the major question of political citizenship.
As you will have gathered, I do not believe in this magical and pernicious view that trade alone can help us progress towards harmonious integration, peace and stability.
The harmonious integration of Roma communities involves the participation of everyone: the Roma themselves, and their host community.
And it's questionable whether the harmonious integration of modern art and life is desirable, even as an ideal.