To his left a group of people, slaves like him, were being harnessed together.
The units were harnessed together to provide fast, reliable large-capacity storage.
In "Three-for-One", all three players on each team are harnessed together.
They met a convoy of motor launches harnessed together behind a landing craft.
The 23-year-old man and his instructor were harnessed together when their parachute collapsed in the final 200 to 300 feet.
Two miles downstream we met a small convoy of motor launches harnessed together behind a landing craft.
They are not a herd of hobby-horses harnessed together in a panic, but a measured response to an identified problem.
Four is enough if they can be securely harnessed together.
Reward Challenge: The tribes would divide into pairs that are harnessed together.
When harnessed together, they are capable of drawing more than 200 million polygons a second.