It is not necessary to go into the harrowing details that are all too familiar to cattle men.
Let me give the harrowing details.
Yet for all the harrowing details, Priest manages to pull off a totally surprising yet (within the book's own terms) entirely believable happy ending.
She writes about these travails with an equanimity and ease that sometimes make the harrowing details of her life seem very far away.
"It's worse than that," said Jimmy, as he unfolded the harrowing details of what had transpired at his meeting with the faculty.
But why enter into the harrowing details of the ensuing minute and a half?
China's progressive leaders prefer to keep the harrowing details of this repression firmly under wraps.
By noon, New Yorkers were buying extra editions that exposed the Bendleton-Eldwald case in all its harrowing details.
He started to give her the harrowing details, as explained to him by Juh, but the girl had risen and was walking away.
Before the story zeroes in on the harrowing details of drug running and its dangers, it details Maria's hopelessly circumscribed life in a rural village.