Susan Forman recalled a harrowing flight in stormy weather when her plane suddenly dropped like a rock for six long seconds before recovering.
It proved to be a harrowing flight.
Exhausted by the harrowing flight across the Wedge, he had fallen asleep with the others.
Cerberus takes Victor from a harrowing flight high over a hidden desert testing facility to a fight for his life on the Iraqi dunes.
We es- caped the dragon only by making a harrowing flight into a thunderstorm.
After their harrowing flight, some Lions players said they would never fly again.
A similar, entirely factual story is the harrowing flight of Apollo 13.
The harrowing flight from Seoul, South Korea, to Canada covered 5,400 miles and took four days.
Hundreds of its employees had some of the most harrowing flights to safety in the smoke-filled stairwell of the tower on Friday.
Soriano flew here from Rochester and did not share in the Yankees' harrowing flight Thursday night.