But the museum's vast collection includes plenty of other harrowing images.
"Traffik" gives us the harrowing image of Caroline Lithgow, filthy and desperate, shooting up and passing out in a public lavatory.
The company's executives agree that they will never erase the harrowing image of the Challenger's explosion shortly after liftoff 33 months ago.
When I get home, I don't plan to watch the harrowing images that have pounded through my mind, everyone's mind, for a year now.
Hence the mural-scale format enveloping an enormous space in projecting harrowing images as a consequence of war.
But it is the harrowing image of a terrified 12-year-old boy, shielded in vain by his father, that carries the iconic power of a battle flag.
Despite the many harrowing images of the towering plume spreading across the city, scientists have been unable to detect exactly where the dust might have seeped in through windows and cracks to leave behind a potentially hazardous residue.
His words evoked a harrowing image of the bad spirits swarming up the mountain in Disney's "Fantasia" as Mussorgsky's "Night on Bald Mountain" played.
O'Sullivan was first known for his harrowing images of the dead of the American Civil War.
Joshua Carlebach, who adapted the novel and directs, opens the pulpy production with a harrowing image of faces pressed up against cloudy windows suspended from the ceiling.