The actress's account of her harrowing years with the novelist Philip Roth.
After a harrowing year, Tom and Margo renewed their wedding vows.
Cloaked in British security, virtually paralyzed by the threat of death, the writer has lived underground during those two harrowing years.
Coincidentally, Alwen - celebrating his 28th wedding anniversary - thought after almost four harrowing years in charge his luck was finally in.
It has been a harrowing year, harrowing.
After what Jenness says was a harrowing year, she was exonerated.
If that happens, it will make 1989 a harrowing year for the financial markets.
It was a constant nightmare that went on for almost three harrowing years.
More than two decades ago, when he was only 10, he and his family spent a harrowing year as refugees before arriving in Summit to live with an aunt.