Those who try to take the temperature of the times say they perceive a greater optimism that may result in a less harsh attitude toward everything, including food.
In addition, the specialists say the high incarceration rate results from an increasingly harsh public attitude toward crime.
During his career as an attorney, Lopa was famous for his harsh attitude towards corruption.
He started to transition from his harsh attitude to a respected teammate.
She visited factories and reported on the harsh attitude of its owners in treating their employees which received public attention through her writings in newspapers.
Known for his harsh attitude towards enforcing the law, several racial incidents during his career made national headlines.
For a while the increasing national cost of poor relief after mid century did not bring with it harsher attitudes.
"Too many voters associated Newt with a very harsh attitude that tends to intimidate voters in the Northeast."
Skilling, known for his harsh attitude and arrogance, lost his temper on the witness stand during the trial.
For the first time, the league said, anti-Israel feelings are being translated into harsh attitudes about Jews in general.