Although some regarded Kongo as a devoutly Christian nation and were more tolerant of local custom, many wrote harsh denunciations of local practice.
But he also responded angrily to Ms. Tucker's harsh denunciation, saying, "The ticket of admission does not give you the right to demean me, or my family."
Officials said it was decided to issue an extremely harsh denunciation of the Tamil extremists.
Iran's Foreign Ministry reacted in Tehran with a harsh denunciation that threatened to escalate tensions with the Bush administration.
This organ was characterised by a campaigning approach and the harsh denunciation of unfair employers and of Larkin's political enemies.
Each word was a grating, harsh denunciation.
The law has been a favorite target of harsh denunciations from North Korea.
She was witness to Brun's harshest denunciation of him.
International government statements concerning the coup ranged from harsh denunciations to non-interference.
The gipsy began to speak in a tone of harsh denunciation.