Looking back, it seemed a miracle she was breathing at all, after the Dream broke up and harsh sea pounded in from all sides.
The village of Fámjin is looking directly out to the harsh sea, although partly protected by a stone reef, which becomes visible at low tide.
To the port side was the gray-green sea, still harsh and angry looking.
The guga hunt takes place on the island of Sula Sgeir, 40 miles north of Lewis, in the harsh and unforgiving seas of the North Atlantic.
Despite the harsh sea and wind conditions, an all novice crew from Shropshire successfully completed the crossing in just shy of 26 hours.
She looked about her desper-tely, at her husband's gentle face, at the harsh sea on which the trawler was still clearly visible, up at the heavy leaves of palm above them.
Instead, he saw where the cliff of the Icewall ended and where the vast shelf of bedrock became a tumble of boulders and rubble spilling into the harsh, cold sea.
He sat down and looked out at the smooth wake the frigate was leaving across the surface of the almost harsh blue sea.
The water was delightfully warm and soft to her skin, a change from the harsh sea or the mineral-heavy water in Half-Circle Sea Hold.
Efforts to re-anchor, self-propel and even tow the ship away from the coast failed due to harsh seas.