They ended up having three debates, during which the candidates harshly attacked each other.
In fact, it seems a perfect example of his point that ideas are attacked harshly before they can be fairly discussed.
The first declaration of the "revolution", which harshly attacked the king and his government, was written by Pridi himself.
An earlier version of the prohibition, which appeared to outlaw providing tax advice, was harshly attacked by accounting firms.
The response, they say, was no way, not with Mr. Borrero harshly attacking them.
The Beijing Daily harshly attacked the students today, as it did in protests in the winter of 1986.
Hard-liners close to the government harshly attacked Mashaei's remarks.
The socialist leader Napoleone Colajanni harshly attacked the government in parliamentary questions.
When another man was harshly attacked and rejected by everyone around him, he seemed to tie himself up into a human knot to ward off their blows.
On April 18, 1980 after Friday prayers, Khomeini gave a speech harshly attacking the universities.