Another positive thinker: "Just think, Martha, in three or four years we'll be harvesting apples off that little sapling we just planted."
In warm months, he harvests cherries, plums, apples, pears, red raspberries, black raspberries, salad greens, leeks, asparagus, tomatoes, herbs, potatoes, pumpkins and corn.
Principal agricultural products included wheat, oats, corn, cattle and hogs, but residents also harvested peaches, apples, cantaloupe, strawberries, and spring water from Radium Springs.
If their boyfriends or husbands abandon them, they'll harvest apples or tend goats to get by.
Mr. Stewart is one of 1,550 legal aliens from Jamaica who came to the Hudson Valley this year to harvest apples under an international program involving the United States, New York State, Jamaica and the apple growers.
For Ken Stanier, who's been harvesting apples for 40 years, it's good news.
He'd harvest apples and mushrooms, a lone farmer surrounded by the concrete jungle.
The men, migrant laborers from Mexico who have come to Western Michigan in the hope of finding jobs harvesting cucumbers, strawberries, cherries, blueberries and apples, are waiting for work.
Every July and August, an estimated 45,000 migrant workers arrive in New York State to harvest onions, apples, pumpkins and vegetables.
Though there was a division of labor between men and women, they also cooperated in carrying out many tasks, such as harvesting apples, food production, laundry, and gathering firewood.