The Ayatollah did however warn against cloning the entire human being for the purpose of harvesting his or her organs.
Serious ethical concerns have been raised by the future possibility of harvesting organs from clones.
Could they really, as Bennie had claimed, be harvesting organs in this country?
"The ultimate motive for declaring death comes into play - to harvest organs," he said.
When harvesting organs, time is a critical factor.
He has lived for 148 years by harvesting organs from his clones, the last of which (and the only one who lived) was Matt.
He died on November 11 after a five hour operation to harvest his heart and other organs for transplant.
Although, she does not rule out the possibility that Israel was harvesting organs of Palestinians.
Our society isn't going to allow raising a clone simply so you can harvest his/her organs.
There are cases of death being accelerated to harvest organs.