Mr. LaValle, a Republican, said that five Republican board members and a Conservative board member acted illegally and improperly when they hastily approved the expense last month.
The shareholders contend that they had been denied crucial details of the company's financial condition and that they were not informed of a 1988 lwsuit accusing the Sears board of hastily approving a restructuring plan to entrench itself in office.
Many in Congress later felt they had been deceived into hastily approving military action against North Vietnam, which had in fact been planned months before the incident.
House Bill Gains Meanwhile, as Congress approached adjournment, the House Banking Committee hastily approved a bill that would increase the bank board's authority to issue long-term bonds and use the proceeds to resolve insolvent savings industry cases.
A Hasty Approval In 1988, Federal regulators hastily approved the sale of the insolvent Texas savings units to Mr. Fail, unaware that in the same Alabama case, one of Mr. Fail's former companies had pleaded guilty to a felony charge.
To suggest THAT MANiacal desperation drove those fine Bush professionals in Austin to HAStily approve a brainwashing ad is a cANard OUT OF CONTROL - bEGOne, pundits!
The sign, still under construction, has already created a furor in the week since the City Council hastily approved it, in a vote that came after workers began erecting it.
According to court papers, Research in Motion alleged that an overburdened Patent Office examiner hastily approved several of Mr. Campana's patents without giving them appropriate scrutiny.
Resolution Trust contended the Southwest board hastily approved more than $54 million in loans and payments after Governor Symington misrepresented its true costs and risks.
The party met and hastily approved Mr. Kitamura's application for membership, giving it 250 seats out of the 500-seat lower house.