But they hastily called reporters today because of a change in the President's schedule.
She called downstairs hastily and caught the kitchen just as it was about to close for the night.
After giving up five straight points, Duffy hastily called his team into a conference.
A truce was hastily called and the vendors were allowed to remain.
As Russia's hastily called political season got off to a frantic, chaotic start, the main players were still sorting out the rules.
After the meeting adjourned, Bernard hastily called a press conference to relay the information to the media.
The meeting was called hastily after negotiations between Baghdad and Moscow.
He lurched to a sitting position, nearly blacking himself out, and called hastily, "Come!"
The generals, hastily called when the end was plainly coming, stood staring blankly.
Many were due to attend a meeting in San Francisco, but were hastily called back.