The captain hastily introduced the new arrival.
The short-lived parliament hastily introduced the Caretaker Government by passing the 13th amendment to the Constitution.
In an attempt to restore consumer confidence, the government hastily introduced a $45 million agricultural assistance package to subsidize the slaughter of four million at-risk chickens.
Sean hastily introduced them, then sent the Masons into the glass-enclosed office, telling them to stay put.
After hastily introducing the Swifts and their friends to the Vishnapur official, he handed the paper to Tom.
I tried to prevent her from saying her own name, hastily introducing her to strangers.
Mr Murray hastily introduced Strange's three pupils.
Frank hastily introduced his father, then asked, "What happened?"
Somebody had made a remark about Jennie's Long Island environment case, and somebody else had casually and hastily introduced Jay.
It is not in consumers' interests to hastily introduce a system of collective redress which would be both costly and ineffective.