He made a hasty adjustment on the crystal, sent a blue glow sweeping out to bathe the four.
He made hasty adjustments of the upper valve.
By dint of hasty mental adjustments and symbolic interpretations, he satisfied his conscience.
I realized that as I saw Herr--(Twelve) make some hasty adjustments on one of his dials.
Mechanics were still making hasty last-minute adjustments and disconnecting power leads; the tangle of cabling underfoot was a mild hazard to a man unused to walking in a spacesuit.
But at the Holocaust Museum, the somewhat dazed, vacation-starved staff has had to endure a shakedown period while operating beyond capacity, which has required some hasty adjustments.
He had made hasty adjustments, knowing that he could quickly wreck himself if he didn't.
Spock, making some hasty adjustments, looked around and down at Kirk's anxious face--and came closer to smiling than anyone had ever seen him come.
Uhura made a hasty adjustment.
But then, it's possible I was so confused by the hasty adjustment and overlay that I moved without realizing it.