He made hasty apologies and went home to get his learning machine, the original program with which he had started.
Then, realizing what he had said, he added in hasty apology, "Ruatha Hold sent you its best.
Uttering a hasty apology, I helped him rescue the now dirty pastries, then picked up my bag and hurried on.
Behind him, T'Partha, diplomatic even in extremity, was forcing out hasty apologies.
The shock of Sinead's reaction to that casual question made Yana try a hasty apology.
He whispered a hasty apology and dropped back again.
Raj brushed aside two students, offering hasty apologies, and entered the tavem.
The oath was out before she could prevent it, and Cyllan made the Sign before her heart in hasty apology for such irreverence.
With a hasty apology to Egwene, Bryne galloped forward.
Quinn cursed, then mumbled a hasty apology.