The filling-station operator said the driver looked like an albino ape with a little hat perched on his head.
The black fake-fur hat perched on his head looked like some synthetic creature trying to mate with his wig.
Brown eyes under heavy brows sparkled at her, and he raised one calloused hand as though to tip a hat perched on his short-cut hair.
What is the story with the funny, birdlike lady with the odd, floppy knit hat perched on her head?
And the shapeless hat perched on his head was a fedora.
It all starts with the chicken-shaped hat perched on his head.
She was small and wiry and very upright, with a purple hat perched on her white hair.
Accessories accentuate the "female," especially with charming but nonessential hats perched on top of many outfits.
He wore a black rose on one lapel and a large floppy black hat perched on the back of his head.
She removed the absurdly elaborate hat perched on her head and fluttered it.