The hatching process takes about two weeks.
The heavy rains of July then prompted an abrupt and massive hatching process, sharply increasing the number of adult insects filling the summer air.
The hatching process takes 12-15 hours.
To help the embryo break through, the embryologist may make a tiny hole in the membrane before it's transferred to help the hatching process.
Some mothers may dispute that, but children will certainly have fun watching the tiny fish, learning about the hatching process and singing "Happy Birthday."
Starting at 2 p.m., naturalists will introduce the public to baby trout after discussing the hatching process.
Hatchlings depend on drinking sea water immediately upon entering the ocean to replenish water lost during the hatching process.
Double-yolked eggs usually lead to observed successful hatchlings only under human intervention, as the chickens interfere with each other's hatching process and die.
During the hatching process, when the young crocodiles are most vulnerable to predation, they will instinctively call out in soft, grunt-like croaks.
You can judge for yourself at the festivities, which will teach all about the hatching process.