His smug, hateful expression told Bonnie he reveled in her defenselessness.
Doodles prances away laughing and mouths the hateful expression.
For a moment, Elaka's hateful expression was replaced by one even more terrifying.
But why do such biased, hateful expressions come so easily to students who, though still young, should know better?
The mask featured red, jutting fangs and a distinctly hateful expression with graven scowl and F-shaped brows done in black.
Don't just stand there with that hateful expression on your face!
Kopek remained motionless, but his hateful expression betrayed the violent action he clearly wanted to take.
Earl Douglas watched them with a sullen, hateful expression.
- but Skip once told me that that was the most hateful and stupid expression in the English language.
Mr. Smolla also speaks out reasonably against overly broad laws that ban hateful expression, ably explaining the state of the law before the Supreme Court razed the landscape a few weeks ago.