"No, certainly not," said the count with a haughty expression.
At supper she sat with a haughty expression on her face and a little frown between her eyes.
His face was thin, arrogant, lips almost too soft for the haughty expression he gave me.
Stephen had a brief impression of elegant clothes and a cold, haughty expression.
Harry paused, his hand on the doorknob, and studied her haughty expression.
It took some time for the fixed, dull, haughty expression of her face to change.
Jermayan regarded him with a haughty expression, one eyebrow raised.
For example if the organ of self-esteem was touched the subject would take on a haughty expression.
His face had the stiff haughty expression it always wore when he was fighting back tears.
If not for that and her pinched, haughty expression, she would have been quite a beauty.