Barges hauling war supplies and ammunition through Bonneville Lock were a common sight.
Following the initial assault, the group hauled ammunition and supplies to France and continued training.
The latter were used largely to haul heavy equipment and ammunition from Bottomside to the different Batteries.
It was hauling ammunition to South Vietnam.
Instead, the Americans could find their supply lines - convoys of thousands of trucks hauling food, fuel, water and ammunition - subject to attack.
These trucks are meant to travel on rough terrain to haul fuel and ammunition.
They are working as pilots ferrying supplies, mechanics repairing tanks, military police officers standing guard and truck drivers hauling ammunition.
The rebels wanted Mr. Gutiérrez, a security guard who is now 31, to look the other way as they hauled drugs and ammunition onto planes.
A convoy of four large Army trucks used to haul ammunition and fuel was in front and the private was driving one of them.