He hired out to haul hay for people and, when times were good, worked for the county cutting ditches and scraping roadbeds.
That platform is an elevator that was used to haul hay up from below.
If I don't haul feed and hay, they don't eat.
Brent Williams, my bull-rider friend in Idaho, sincerely believes that President Bush would help him haul hay when he's home from the rodeos.
If you are hauling and putting hay into barns, your fortune is assured, and you will realize great profit from some enterprise.
A circus had its winter quarters down there and I caught on hauling water and hay.
As he worked alongside his three brothers, hauling hay to the barn, Devin told himself it wasn't his business.
How many suburban couples ever have the occasion to haul hay or dirt?
Nelson wondered if there were still openings hauling hay to giraffes.
The vehicle appeared to have been used to haul hay, or perhaps farm animals; it sagged; the bubble top was scratched into gray opacity.