"I'm cutting back this year," said my venerable mentor, who is still hauling rocks in her wheelbarrow at the age of - oh, never mind.
But last week, officials announced that the vessel may have hauled rocks during the war, but never refugees.
A man hauled rocks for a patio.
Everywhere you look vehicles are hauling rocks from the mountains outside of town.
Even the people who haul rocks around are certified rock haulers, and they need to go to school for this.
I'm pretty dusty from hauling rocks around, but first I should gett he stones I've found and bring them here.
A truck hauling rocks had drawn up close to the trio.
It has been in you to do this thing since you were a little one in the quarry, helping me to haul rocks.
We hauled big rocks from the streamside for seats.
Kevin and Willy collected and hauled rocks and assembled them around the base.