You know all those trucks hauling stuff from the Goodwinter sale?
Like any outdoorsman, I needed to haul stuff but couldn't afford a pickup truck in addition to the family sedan.
Meanwhile, if you return for Acorna and Thariinye now, we'll have more people to haul stuff back there.
While the car is not suited to transporting multiple friends, it is great for hauling stuff.
I busied myself hauling stuff out of plastic bags until she cleared her throat and said, "Thanks."
I've had time to haul so much stuff to the Salvation Army that I can almost get a car in our garage now.
The cost would be enormous, but you could then haul stuff into space just by pulling on the cable from above.
They built up the fire and began to haul stuff out of the tent.
"Sorry you have to haul stuff like this," Jask said.
The movers were hauling stuff into my room, so I couldn't go in there.