The island is a haul-out site for the Australian Fur Seal.
Illiswilgig is a main pupping and haul-out site for grey seal.
Cormorant also breed on the island and it is a main pupping and haul-out site for grey seal.
The island is used occasionally as a haul-out site by Australian Fur Seals.
Up to 1200 Australian Fur Seals use the rocks as a regular haul-out site.
Australian Fur Seals use the island as a haul-out site.
The rocks are also used as a haul-out site by Australian Fur Seals.
It is also used as a haul-out site for Australian Fur Seals.
The outer sandflats are also a haul-out site for both common and grey seals.
Numerous reserves and protected areas at rookeries and haul-out sites exists for the sea lions.