In the days, weeks, that would follow, other environmental hazards would arise.
The specification may either describe how the software should behave to minimize the risk or might require that the hazard should never arise.
The hazard of elective or voluntary realization arises in connection with much investment activity.
The hazard, however, arises indoors.
A smart driver will interrupt the call when a hazard arises, but only if the driver notices it in the first place.
The principal hazards of acetone cyanohydrin arise from its ready decomposition on contact with water, which releases highly toxic hydrogen cyanide.
The main hazard however arises from the pyrophoric character of actinide metals which can spontaneously ignite when their specific area is high.
Moral hazard also arises in a principal-agent problem, where one party, called an agent, acts on behalf of another party, called the principal.
Moral hazard and conflict of interest may arise.
Formidable hazards arise from these.