E-waste contains a bonanza of toxic and hazardous components that, for the most part, are currently being shunted into landfills.
They were also optimistic that they could eliminate the hazardous components of smoking.
Some HW can be processed so that the hazardous component of the waste is eliminated making it a non-hazardous waste.
Liquid resin blends and isocyanates may contain hazardous or regulated components.
If the equipment contains hazardous components, such as cathode ray tubes or ozone-depleting substances, you will need to follow additional requirements under hazardous waste legislation.
'Mirror' entries are only considered hazardous if they contain a certain hazardous component, or more than a specified amount of a hazardous substance.
If this is the case you need to consider whether your waste contains hazardous components before you use a non-hazardous waste code.
One role the state must play, since the municipalities cannot, concerns the reduction of those hazardous components of the waste stream entering the incinerator.
This includes WEEE that contains hazardous components or substances such as:
Hazardous waste includes asbestos, oil, chemicals and electrical equipment with hazardous components such as fluorescent light tubes.