To the best of our knowledge, these two facilities have not been tested to determine the level of hazardous emissions, nor do these facilities have continuously recorded monitoring.
Then came the sharp drop in oil prices, and now the Environmental Protection Agency has announced it will introduce tough restrictions to cut down hazardous emissions from wood stoves.
In 2007, the Mobile Source Air Toxics Rule was created to help limit the hazardous emissions generated as a result of fuel combustion in mobile sources.
This involves reevaluating the whole life-cycle of a particular industrial process and planning modifications with a view to limiting hazardous emissions to the atmosphere, water and soil.
As a result, the company has reduced hazardous emissions associated with that process by as much as 80 percent.
Biodiesel does reduce hazardous emissions.
This is standard practice in Europe and minimises the risk of hazardous emissions.
This is ample justification for attempting to reduce these hazardous emissions.
The hazardous emissions from the plant seriously damaged the building, and it collapsed by the late 1980s.
Mrs. Whitman knew that the towers' destruction had released huge amounts of hazardous emissions, Judge Batts found.